song: El Dorado
(© 1998/2022 Gudrich/Gudrich)

El Dorado - searching for something that doesn't exist
El Dorado - destroying life on a senseless quest
The illness gold, the spell of El Dorado
Lured men away, deep into the jungle
Seeking riches for themselves, bringing death
to everybody else
Sloth - I'm just dreaming in the trees
Capybara - I'm just chilling' in the swamp
Tapir - I just wallow in the mud
We all live here, this is the home we love
El Dorado - searching for something that doesn't exist
El Dorado - destroying life on a senseless quest
Their arguments are worthless, irrelevant their riches
We will not stand back and watch
As they destroy to line their pockets with death
Sloth - we stand with you
Capybara - we'll heal your home
Tapir - we'll shield you from harm
We are all one, this is the home we love
El Dorado - searching for something that doesn't exist
El Dorado - we'll kick your ass out of here!
Every year, a huge number of indigenous environmental activists are killed in the Amazon while trying to defend their home and one of the most important ecosystems on the planet. We stand with them and with all those who call the rainforest home! We are all one! The Earth is our home and we will not surrender her to those who wish to exploit her for their own gain! If you want to help indigenous activists, consider donating to Amazon Watch.
Read up on four bad-ass activist here.
Liner notes
Xavi: guitars, vocals
Sabú: lead guitar, bass,
backing vocals
Joe: drums, backing vocals
Recorded in May 2022 at Material Studios, Liverpool.
Engineered and mastered by Jim Power.
Mixed by Jim Power and Sabú & Xavi Gudrich.
Produced by Sabú & Xavi Gudrich.
â„— 2022 Gudrich/Gudrich
Soundeffects by www.zapsplat.com